Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Message Mix

 I am never on top of anything in the music world, but today may be an exception. Based on iTunes, here's a link to the hottest song in America today. (5) Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond - YouTube

Here's a cut from the lyrics: 

"Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat

and the obese milkin' welfare

Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds

Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds"

America, the only country on earth where the poor are dying of obesity.

From Washington, DC comes the "news" that Christopher Wray lied in his last appearance before the House Judiciary Committee.  If his lips are moving, he's lying. He works in the most corrupt department in the federal government, the Department of Injustice. The DOJ is so corrupt that the Pentagon sends people to the DOJ to learn how to lie or to improve their delivery on lies.

I am amazed at the time management skills of the Fulton County District Attorney. With a city overrun with serious crimes, she found enough time to put together another bullshit case involving Donald Trump. The Atlanta Braves didn't move to Cobb County to be closer to criminals. 

Hauled a truckload of my finest wares to the 311 Flea Market in Sophia, NC yesterday. Yes, it was hot. It was a good sales day, and I was still able to wrap it up and leave around 11:00 AM. I didn't see anyone with a "Biden" hat or shirt, but there was a guy wearing a Clinton-Gore shirt and a MAGA hat. You don't see that many schizophrenics at a flea market. 

What do I hate about flea markets? The pricks who watch American Pickers, Pawn Stars or Storage Wars and think that reality shows are real life. WARNING!! If you tell me that I need to "leave some meat on the bone", I am throwing your ass out of my space. I am a retailer, not a wholesaler. I don't mind negotiating on some stuff but if I tell you the price is firm, the price is firm. No one who needs to know this will read this blog, so I am just ranting.

I am tired of television ads for electric vehicles. I will believe in electric vehicles when Duke Power no longer needs to control my air conditioner at peak usage periods. 

The Biden administration wants us to import everything we need to provide energy in this country. We don't want to use our own resources; we want to be at the mercy of foreign countries for our energy needs. Does anyone in government remember the Arab oil embargo??

From the "Don't you ever throw anything away file?" comes some comments from Russell Baker in a 1973 newspaper clipping about the "energy crisis". Some things never change.

Russell wrote several questions and answers about the "energy crisis". I am going to quote a couple of them. You can decide on their relevance to current events. Remember, these are 50-year-old comments. 

Q. What is the energy crisis?

A. The energy crisis is the finest all-purpose alibi in America today. If you can't deliver the goods, it is because of the energy crisis. If you want to raise prices, it is necessitated by the energy crisis. If you want to cancel a visit with your wife's relatives, tell them, "Sorry, it's the energy crisis." If your children bump into you leaving a pornographic movie house, just explain that it's the energy crisis.

Q. Why was the energy crisis begun at this time, just as I was finally beginning to get interested in Watergate?

A. The government reasoned that since fewer and fewer people believed anything that the government said anymore it should hold the energy crisis right away while there were still a few people left to believe in it. 

In closing, there was a cartoon above the column that showed a couple in a cave sitting on rocks and watching television. The caption read, "Seems there will always be enough power to broadcast the latest crisis message."


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