Sunday, August 20, 2023

Political Pontification

 I voted for Doanld Trump in 2016 and 2020. I attended two Trump rallies in Greensboro and another one in Greenville, NC that year. I also supported Trump in 2020 as well. Having said all of that, I didn't want Trump to run in 2024.

I didn't want Trump to run this year because I am not sure that he can win. It has nothing to do with his performance as a President. I don't want Trump to run because I believe that Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. People hate Trump without any logical thought process. They don't know why; they just know they hate Trump. I believe that half of the people who voted for Biden did not actually support Biden. They just had to vote against Trump. They will do the same thing in 2024.

I have asked a bunch of folks why they hate Trump. They can't put it into words, they just hate Trump. I have asked a few folks, "What is it you hate about Trump? Is it the tax cuts? Is it the booming economy? Is it the lack of a war? What is it?" No one has an answer. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real mental disorder that causes people to act irrationally and vote for demented Democrats.

If anyone should know, Donald Trump should know, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." H.L. Mencken authored that quote and surely Donald Trump should be familiar with it. The election of Joe Biden proved Mencken was right.

As long as I am pontificating, I don't think that Joe Biden will make it to the election of 2024 as the Democratic candidate. His mental condition deteriorates more every day and soon they will be unable to hide it. 'There is a rumor that Michelle Obama will run if Biden drops out. I would love to see Big Mike run! She is a sarcasm writer's dream candidate. Maybe Barack will come out as gay to help her campaign? 

While I will support Trump if/when he is the nominee, I am not doing that in the primary elections. Who am I going to support in the Republican primaries? I like Ron DeSantis, but he's not my pick. I have settled on Vivek Ramaswamy as my candidate. While some of you are catching your breath and clutching your chest, let me explain why I like him. Bear in mind that the primaries are months away and I am able to change my mind.

Ramaswamy is an outsider, he hasn't held political office before. I think that it is time to turn the country over to some younger people. The country is being run now by a bunch of guys like Biden who have spent their lives in Washington and in politics. I will turn 70 in a few weeks and in Washington they would call me "Kid". Let's get some fresh ideas and move the seat of the federal government to the plains of Kansas. Don't waste your time trying to drain the swamp. Burn the house and go west, young man!!

One of my favorite ideas from Ramaswamy is that we as a nation are suffering from oppression by a minute minority. Two or three percent of the country are sexual deviants who demand that the rest of us get on the "preferred pronoun" bandwagon. It's okay that you are insane, but I'm unwilling to play along. The government should stay out of this and let it die a natural death.

Anyway, right now Ramaswamy is my candidate of choice. I will keep you posted on any course corrections. In the meanwhile, Viva Vivek!!


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