Missing Lyndon LaRouche??
On the days that Democrats are on television expressing the degree to which they loathe Donald Trump, I miss the days that Lyndon LaRouche campaigned for the presidency. I believe that it was in the 1980 campaign that LaRouche described Ed Muskie as "a stooge of the Soviet KGB". There was nothing else like turning on the television and seeing an hour of Lyndon LaRouche uncensored. That was one of the nicer things he said. Here are a couple of Lyndon Larouche quotes.
"In politics, when you become serious, you become a threat to somebody. And they usually aren't too nice about it."
"If you look at the history of Obama, with the crimes he's committed, in office, publicly, and gotten by with that, you understand two things: First of all, that he's a criminal, really, by any standard of decency, and he's a great liar."
Larouche was also a proponent of the October Surprise theory that the Iranians were going to hold the American hostages until Reagan was inaugurated and then release them. Despite his idea being widely scorned and ridiculed, that is exactly what happened.
LaRouche used to say incredible things in his campaign appearances. LaRouche took advantage of the Supreme Court's affirmation of the ruling that "Political speech is Protected Speech". Evidently the Fulton County DA, Dumb Ass, is unfamiliar with this concept of protected speech and is trying to convict Donald Trump on charges that he made false statements about elections. I am not a constitutional attorney, but this doesn't smell right to me.
The federal government ended up jailing LaRouche years later on a mail fraud charge. LaRouche once shared a cell with Jim Bakker of PTL fame and fortune. Bakker wrote that LaRouche got an intelligence briefing every day in the mail and seemed to know things days before they happened.
In 1995, former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark sent a letter to Clinton Attorney General and Bull Dyke, Janet Reno. Here's the first paragraph:
Dear Attorney General Reno,
I have been an attorney in this case since shortly after the defendants were sentenced in January 1990 and appeared as co- counsel on appeal and on the subsequent motions and appeals in proceedings under 28 U.S. C. sec. 2255 and F.R. Cr.P. Rule 33. I bring this matter to you directly, because I believe it involves a broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge. Three courts have now condemned the Department's conduct in this prosecutorial campaign. The result has been a tragic miscarriage of justice which at this time can only be corrected by an objective review and courageous action by the Department of Justice.
As I have said often, history is circular. One needs to look no further than Donald Trump to see the same government machine at work to destroy a political opponent.
Joe Biden has said that he made a lot of money after leaving the Vice Presidency by giving speeches and writing books. Why would anyone paid Biden $100,000 to make a speech when you could get the guy whose speech he plagiarized, to give it for $5,000? Which Biden books have you read? I heard that he wrote a children's book called "Joe and Jill". Spoiler alert!! They both fall down the hill.
In a speech yesterday, Screaming Joe said, "Name me a single objective we’ve ever set out to accomplish that we’ve failed on. Name me one, in all of our history." If you insist, Bozo, here's a starter list. I haven't got the space to go back 250 years.
1. Democracy in Vietnam
2. Stable democracy in Iraq
3. Afghanistan
4. Syria
5. COVID 19
6. The Southern Border
7. The energy crisis
8. Stopping inflation
9. Improving Public Education
10. Getting people off welfare
11. Cutting the crime rate (without redefining crime)
Call me when you accomplish those, Joe!!!
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