Monday, March 03, 2025

Monday Morning Milieu of Madness

 Just for the record, the expression "coming up short" was in use before Zelensky was even born. Of course, no one has ever illustrated the expression as well as Zelensky did by arguing with Trump in the Oval Office on Friday. 

I keep hearing politicians who are sending the Ukraine billions of our dollars and shiploads of equipment say things like, "We stand with our friends." Memo to morons: If you have to pay them, they aren't really your friends. That's like giving a hooker an engagement ring. They are just going to pawn it. Wake up folks!! This is a no-win situation. 

Is it true that Trump's last words to Zelensky were, "There's no free lunch for you, little man"? The White House staffers who were able to eat the lunch that was going to be served to Zelensky, and the others were grateful for the good meal that Zelensky accidentally furnished for them.

Democrats are screaming that we must protect the Ukraine. I don't want to be crude, but this is an old song that has lost its appeal. Where shall I start? How about the billions, if not trillions of dollars that we invested in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait and Syria? What about all of the money and lives that we poured into Vietnam, only to end up fifty years later buying cheap sneakers and tools from there?

How about Korea? Seventy years after the armistice that ended the fighting, we still have more than 28,500 US military members in Korea. Make no mistake about it. The 28,500 troops would not be able to stop a North Korean incursion. They are there to operate as a human speed bump until we can put the nuclear weapons into play.

It's the same old story that I have repeated many times. The United States has an unnatural weakness for supporting tyrannical dictators. South Korea, South Vietnam, Cuba, Panama, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Taiwan, most of Africa, the list just goes on. It just never ends well. What evidence is there that the Ukraine situation will end up any differently?

A Norwegian company announced yesterday that they are not going to supply the US Navy with fuels. If it wasn't for the United Staes entering WW2, the Norwegians would be speaking German today. If you live in Norway, Google "blitzkrieg". Maybe it will jolt a few memories.

Lisa Murkowski says she is "sick to my stomach" about how Zelensky was treated. Taxpayers are sick to our stomachs about the wasted money and supplies going to a corrupt little dictator like Zelensky. Why won't he allow elections? When will martial law end? Just for Lisa's information, I am sick to my stomach about her claims to be a Republican. She voted with Obama over 70% of the time. Wikipedia claims that she is a "moderate Republican". Lisa can't even spell Republican. She's a Democrat in drag.

Later in the day, former Governor and alleged Republican John Kasich told the six living people who were watching him on MSNBC, that he too, was "sick to my stomach". I am sending a link for this blog to the Democratic Party in case they decide that they want to change the writer who scrawls out all of their responses. Either they are all following the same script or there is some kind of stomach flu outbreak among Democrats. Maybe it is just a reaction to all of those COVID shots?

The Academy Awards were last night. That is where a bunch of loser liberals gather to tell each other how great they are and pass around a guy named Oscar. God only knows what they do with him. It's a lot like a Democratic convention; I don't care who won.

I saw Marxist Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen on the news yesterday. The Communist Van Hollen claims that Trump was trying to extort minerals from the Ukraine in exchange for the aid that we have sent to them. As we have sent the Ukraine more than $44 billion dollars and have received exactly nothing, not even a thank you note, "extortion" sounds a whole lot like typical Democratic exaggeration. 

Van Hollen claimed that nothing like this has ever happened where our government asked for something in return for aid. One would think that the son of a U.S. diplomat and ambassador would know more about history than a retired restaurant manager. You would be wrong!! Senator Chris the Commie is evidently not familiar with the history of World War 2. 

There were several agreements in World War 2 where the United States received raw materials and precious metals from Russia, Great Britain and other countries in exchange for military supplies. In fact, in 1940, we had a Destroyers for Bases deal where we sent the British 50 destroyers in exchange for rights for bases in the Carribean. So much for the value of Van Hollen's master's degree from Harvard. I couldn't afford Harvard, I just read a couple of history books instead.

Here's a solution. Let's send Elon Musk and a bunch of DOGE guys to audit Ukraine and see what they have done with all of the money and materials that we have sent them. Then we can talk about whether or not to flush more money down the Ukraine shitter. There are rumors that Zelensky is selling US weapons and munitions to other groups, such as Hamas. While the media denies this, they all support Zelensky, so credibility is not their strong point. Let's just have the Doge boys look at the records and let us know.

What if we just let Europe make it on their own this time? At some point in life, we all have to stop bailing our kids out when they get into trouble. The Ukraine is that kid who keeps testing the limits. It's time to "Fly little birdie, Fly!!"


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