Saturday, March 01, 2025

Biggest Balls, A New Standard?

 Only a few hours after writing that Jake Tapper surely has the biggest balls in the land, apparently the King is dead. I'm sorry Jake. Volodymyr Zelensky, AKA Little Fidel, from Ukraine showed up at the White House yesterday and announced his entry into the Biggest Balls competition. 

Big Balls Zelensky decided to argue with President Trump and Vice-President Vance in Trump's office. It went downhill for BB Zelensky from there. It ended with his making an unscheduled early departure from the White House after being told to leave. No free lunch for little Big Balls!

Not to be outdone, later in the day the Democratic Party quickly entered the Big Balls fray with their own candidate. From the same state that gave us Ted Kennedy, the hero of Chappaquiddick, Rep. Seth Moulton entered the battle for the coveted Biggest Balls award. Moulton appeared on The Communist News Network (CNN) to praise Zelensky. In commenting on the Oval Office "Over the Top Rope" event yesterday in Washington, Moulton claimed "The only hero in the room was the Ukrainian." 

Apparently, "Zelensky" was just too hard for Moulton to pronounce, or he just didn't even know his name. Moulton's claim that Zelensky was "the only hero in the room" is at best dubious, if not absurd. Moulton's "only hero in the room" is the same guy who has declared martial law in the Ukraine. In addition to martial law, "the hero" has prohibited any elections in the Ukraine until the war with Russia ends. Seth, if this is a hero, what does a tyrant look like? Asking for a friend. Beyond all of that, how much of our tax money has "the hero" pocketed?

It's obvious that Moulton is suffering from a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Moulton is only one more Trump television appearance away from the "foaming at the mouth" stage of the TDS. Moulton has been busy funneling American tax money to the Zelensky kickback machine. How much has Moulton received from his cousin Volodymyr?

I am not sure if Big Balls Moulton is not old enough to know or has just chosen to ignore it, but his comments on Putin are ignorant of historical precedent. Moulton and almost everyone in the "mainstream" video blasted Trump for talking to Putin. All of the faux outrage bullshit that you hear about President Trump associating with a dictator ignores the track record of the United States. We have a history of supporting tyrants. It's not like Joan of Arc was the leader of South Korea or South Vietnam? Look up how long it took free elections to happen in Taiwan. Do you even want to discuss the relationship between the CIA and Manuel Noriega in Panama before that situation exploded in our faces? Look at Panama today, aren't they hanging out with China? Have the libs forgotten that FDR, the closest thing to God that Democrats worship, allied the United States with Joseph Stalin and Russia? I don't recall seeing any photos of Stalin playing Santa Claus at Christmas parties. Stalin makes Putin look like an Eagle Scout. Get a grip, folks!

If you want to accomplish something in another country, you have to work with whoever is in charge. Our ability to cause changes in government style is best illustrated by our history of dealing with Iran. In Iran long ago, the CIA and British intelligence funded a coup that overthrew an elected leader and brought back the Shah. How did that work out for us? Zelensky is just a dictator with less experience and a smaller nation than Putin. He's learning on the job. He is already bleeding American taxpayers dry. We are borrowing money to send to a corrupt government led by Zelensky. The good news is that he isn't wasting any of our money on clothes!

We have never been successful in telling other people how to run their countries. We can't even get California to act like they are part of the United States.

We are killing the chickens to prevent the spread of the avian flu. How many Dems have to go to slaughter to fight Trump Derangement Syndrome? I am not actually advocating killing Democrats, but we can distribute these handbooks on the joys of suicide. Calm down, it's only humor. Relax, they will find the handbooks on their own.

I have ranted about this before, but since JD Vance picked it up and ran with it yesterday, let's raise money to buy Zelensky a collared shirt. Leaders need to look like leaders, not the guy waiting to dig a latrine. You don't dress like you are going to the beach to go to the bank for a small business startup loan. 

What's the difference between Zelensky and myself? First, I have put on a coat and a tie since he last wore something like that. Doesn't Zelensky's military have a dress uniform that he could wear if he is obsessed with his military-like appearance? Maybe he could get the French to give him a couple of Napoleon's old uniforms? Napoleon and Zelensky probably take about the same size. I think they both wear about an 18 Dwarf. That's a European size. 

What's the other difference between Zelensky and myself. I have visited the White House three times, and I have never been asked to leave. Of course, I was wearing a collared shirt.


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