Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wondering and Wandering on Wednesday

 Victor Davis Hanson has a spot on the Daily Signal. I have never met Hanson, but I have taken one of the courses that he did for Hillsdale College in their online video learning program. But he has a recent post on the Daily Signal that supports a point that I have been making frequently. Here's a link: Victor Davis Hanson: Maine Pulls a South Carolina   Enjoy!

Why don't women who are "transitioning" to men, ever turn up as defensive tackles in the NFL tossing real men around? Why don't we see a trans man dunking on LeBron James? Where are those people in major league baseball? Guys who couldn't win in men's athletics used to become desk jockeys. Today they "transition" to become champions in women's sports. All we are doing by allowing this is enabling mental illness. 

Some days it takes more patience than I have to try and reason with liberals. The same people who claim that conservatives are crazy, think that men who have their penises and their testicles removed are then "women".

Some idiot was on the news this morning claiming that the Pentagon is facing the loss of 5% to 8% of their office staff. Once again, I am compelled to point out that Jones' Rule of Circumcision says that you can cut ten per cent off of anything and it will still work.

Fran Drescher appeared at some awards ceremony the other night and proved that the whacko broad she portrayed in "The Nanny" was not an act. She claimed that earthquakes are a result of human caused "global warming". She may be the new poster girl for "whacko broad". Of course, she is in a tough fight with Jane Fonda for that honor.

WOW! The federal government is asking employees to list five things that they did last week. Maybe they should have started by asking employees to list one thing that they had done. 

Trump is right!! He is right about requiring federal employees to return to their offices. We need to sort the quick from the dead before issuing any more pay checks. Not that anyone has ever described federal employees as "the quick". If you don't believe me, go to a Social Security office and ask a question.

The media morons who claim that immigrants are in hiding from ICE have not been to the Lexington Flea Market. I was there yesterday, and I didn't see anyone who appeared to be "terrified". 

Last night on the news, some idiot female Democratic congressman was talking about how the US needs the illegal immigrants. The liberals who are telling us that we need illegal immigrants to pick our crops, take care of our children and do all of the dirty jobs are using the exact same arguments that slave owners used to justify slavery more than 160 years ago. I guess that history really does repeat itself.


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