Friday, February 07, 2025

Freaky Friday Free-for-all

 Can somebody get Hillary to just shut the hell up? She's blaming Trump for the airplane crash last week. This woman is causing me to have to redefine "bitch". Has she considered changing her last name to "Cunton"? It's been eight years since she lost to Trump, and she still isn't over it. 

Bitch, Woman, get into some kind of 12 step program for losers and learn to deal with an election from over eight years ago. I can't even carry a grudge that long. How can you?

In the first Clinton term in the 1990's, the American Spectator ran a series of articles from interviews with the Arkansas State Troopers who guarded the Governor's Mansion in Little Rock. No one had a kind word for Hillary. Fast forward thirty years and nothing has changed. She's still a bitch. It sure makes it easier to understand the Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky stories.

Hillary got elected to the US Senate from New York for the same reason that Bobby Kennedy, the carpetbagger from Massachusetts, got elected in New York. She was a Democrat. Unless there's another COVID outbreak and they go back to mail-in ballots, Hillary's winning days are past.

Hillary said that the people working with Elon Musk were not old enough to rent a car. What does a broad who has to be driven everywhere know about renting a car? Beyond that, I thought that Democrats were supposed to be the party that embraces young voters. Is that just another Clinton lie?

My memory may be slipping, but I certainly don't remember either Hillary or anyone in the Clinton White House telling the press that Monica Lewinsky was too young to rent a car. Did it take Hillary thirty years to come up with that line? Why didn't Hillary point that out in 1996? Monica was only twenty-two years old when she and Bill had sex, depending on the standard definition of "sex," not the Clinton definition. Did Hillary ever say that Monica was too young to rent a car?  

I was watching the news last night and they had a couple of Congressmen on the show. One of them started talking about how Trump didn't need Elon Musk to find waste in the government. He said that Congress can do that. I was laughing so hard that I fell out of a recliner.

Congress can't find waste and they have no ideas about how to stop waste. They are the people who create it. They pass laws and then let bureaucrats in our government decide how to implement the laws and projects. This is where the world's biggest bureaucracy originates. Nobody in government is going to vote to end their own job. We are ruled by unelected bureaucrats who then bitch about Elon Musk being unelected. This may be the best new example of the word "irony". If not that, hypocrisy.

Congress could straighten this out if they would work until the job is completed. But the average elected official works in Congress less than four days a week. The majority of their time is spent trying to get reelected and raising money to fund trying to get reelected. They keep passing bills that empower unelected government lifers who do not answer to voters. We need to tear this house of cards down and start again. Right now, the main purpose of the United States Congress is to get reelected. 

If you think that the Department of Education is worth saving, ask your kids to tell you everything they know about World War 2. You won't need to rearrange your schedule to accommodate the time for an answer.


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