Thursday, January 23, 2025

Back to the Future??

 A Republican President has just been elected. Several states are challenging the legitimacy of his election. Some states are refusing to follow or enforce federal laws on people from other countries. Some people are ranting about tariffs. Others are talking about how we need cheap laborers from other countries. The President claims that he can straighten it all out and save the nation.

If all of this sounds familiar, it's because it is our second time as a nation watching the same show. The situation described above was in January of 1861. Now, one hundred and sixty-four years later, we are witnessing a repeat performance. Memo to morons: We have already seen how this one will end.

The irony in this situation is breathtaking. The states that support illegal immigrants are the same ones who most loudly opposed slavery. Look at the cast of the key characters in this rerun. The states that most support illegal immigrants are New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan and California. Those states were the core opponents of slavery in 1861. Today, they want to flood the nation with illegal immigrants. 

Supporters of illegal immigrants claim that we need the illegals to do the jobs that Americans will not do. Americans won't work at those jobs, because the government will pay them not to work. If we will stop paying people not to work, we can cut government spending and end the market for illegal immigrants.

 Nancy Pelosi said, "We need these people to pick our crops." Millions of Americans are unemployed, but she claims that we need immigrants to pick our crops. Really? Where is Pelosi's Plantation located? She is making the same claims that Southern slave owners made in 1861. The whole issue of illegal immigrants is just the slavery issue of 1861 repackaged for the 21st Century. The descendants of the men who allegedly fought against slavery now want to bring in illegal immigrants to fill the low level, menial jobs. We have seen this show before.

Several Protestant denominations split over the slavery issue. It took more than one hundred years for some of them to come back together, some still have not. On Tuesday morning, the Episcopal bishop at the National Cathedral lectured President Trump about illegal immigrants. I want to personally thank her for helping me make my case against liberal loons on this issue of illegal immigration. The bishop should pay attention to the denominations that are splitting over current events. 

 After her initial rant about how gay and transgender children fear for their lives, then she recited a list of jobs that illegals do. Here's the quote. "The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings; who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants; who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals."  Notice that she didn't mention people who program our computers, build our homes or teach our children. Immigrants perform those jobs as well, but that knowledge might confuse the bishop.

Note to Bishop Bitch: Americans aren't against immigration, we are opposed to illegal immigration. The cost of supporting illegal immigrants is bankrupting the country. We have enough native criminals; we don't need to import them from foreign countries. Liberals are trying to turn the United States into the world's largest holding cell for criminals. 

From the world's worst Bishop to Nancy Pelosi to Greasy Gavin Newsome, these people are all trying to convince us that we need an "under class" to do the menial jobs so that Americans won't have to do them. WOW!! The liberals all sound like Southern plantation owners more than 160 years ago. This whole acceptance and condoning of the illegal immigration movement is just putting slavery into a plain Brown wrapper for liberal consumption.

As a Southerner who is fascinated by history, I just love the complete role reversal and irony of this situation. We have spent the last 200 years or more, listening to Yankees tell us about how Southerners "used" black people only to now watch the Yankees do the same thing with illegal immigrants. Y'all need to take off the blinders and look around!!


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