California Dreaming??
Warning: The following post may contain profanity. I don't believe that will surprise many, but I just wanted to let you know in advance.
California is where all of the people who couldn't afford to move to Communist China live. The current situation in southern California has just kicked me over the edge and I need to voice some thoughts.
Gavin Newsome, Greasy Gavin, Gruesome Newsome, you pick what you want to call him. This guy is a walking case to ban free elections in America. I have always known that the possibility that we would elect a useless piece of shit was there, but this is the worst example in history. We need to bring back literacy tests for voters.
Southern California is on fire. This is not a metaphor; the area is actually burning. I saw on the news that Greasy was on a video call with President Biden and her husband Joe in the Oval Office. Newsome was telling them about "disinformation" being a huge problem. Joe agreed with Greasy. That's why Jill was there.
Memo to Greasy: Put out all of the fires, correct all of the situations that caused the fires, implement changes that will prevent fires, rebuild all of the homes and businesses that have burned down, set up a system that will prevent all of this from happening again, get the insurance situation straightened out and then maybe we can talk about disinformation. Until then, STFU!
Things are going so bad in Los Angeles that I saw a boatload of Mexicans leaving heading south. Fire departments in Mexico are sending you help and equipment. This is the worst case of role reversal that I have seen.
Democrats and disinformation is a localized problem. It's not a problem for the rest of the nation, but of course, we aren't trying to bullshit the other 300 million people in the nation
In November of 2019, Greasy told President Trump on Twitter: "You don’t believe in climate change. You are excused from this conversation." Idiots talk about "climate change". The rest of the world calls it "the weather". How many homes and businesses have burned since then, Greasy? How many forest fires have you had?
As long as we are on "climate change", why did the Obamas, Barry and Big Mike, spend $12 million on a beach house at sea level? Does this mean that he doesn't believe in "climate change" and the seas rising? Or is he challenging you for the famed "Dumbest Dim" award? So, is Obama also excused from conversations about California's problems?
California doesn't practice a lot of the fire preventative measures that are practiced in forests across the country. Californians don't want to alter the environment, but they are okay with setting it all on fire. Call me confused.
California is the tail trying to wag the dog. California passes laws that create problems in other states. California passed a law mandating how hogs are grown in states that sell products in California. California is more concerned about how hogs live in Iowa than they are about how people live in Los Angeles. Just for the record, there's never been a hog robbed in Iowa.
California wants to make the rest of us all drive electric vehicles. I still had hair the last time a power plant was opened in California. Where in the hell is all of the electricity to operate all of those cars going to come from? Politicians in California pass laws and then try to figure out how things will work. You've got the process backwards, dumbass!!
Greasy, I saw on the news that you had moved into a new house that cost more than nine million dollars. While I realize that in California you may have to spend that much to get one with a roof, it's still not a good look. Who do you think you are, Obama?
You need some people who understand free enterprise in California. You limited the premiums that insurance companies can charge for fire insurance and then you wonder why no one can get fire insurance. Insurance companies are not non-profit organizations. If you limit how much they can charge, they stop selling fire insurance. That creates the situation that you have now.
If the companies do sell insurance at reduced rates, they have to spread the costs among their other customers. Speaking for the residents of North Carolina, we aren't the least bit interested in paying more for insurance so that you don't have to maintain your forests. I am not even going to start about the need for more and larger fire departments. If crime is a problem, you hire more cops. If your cities are burning, hire more firemen. Take that money that you are spending on illegal immigrants and hire firemen. Send the illegals back across the border, you can't afford them.
I always hear politicians bragging about California being a "sanctuary" state. Right now, it is a sanctuary for wildfires and arsonists. Are fires just a jobs program for looters??
The sad thing is that every year California has a problem with fires. Every year there is a problem with high winds. How can you keep being surprised? Write this down! Make a Plan!
You need water in southern California. You have water in norther California. Write this down! Build a pipeline. Just for the record, if the reservoirs are empty, there's a problem. You may be able to pay for all of this by selling smelt burgers. Give it a shot!
California needs new leadership. Resign and take that dumbass mayor of Los Angeles with you. Maybe she can go to another continent and visit friends, again. Whatever you decide, don't elect Kamala.
I was right, only a couple of profanities.
Another good one Gilbert,
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