New Year, Same old Stuff
Someone asked how I could have titled my last post of 2024,"The Last Blast of 2024" after the incidents in New Orleans yesterday. It was easy, I wrote it about 5:00 PM on New Years Eve. I am only sarcastic, not psychic.
The FBI has confirmed their position as a group needing a major overhaul by immediately denying that the New Orleans disaster was a "terrorist attack". They had to retract that later in the day. Maybe they should have checked the scene for ISIS flags before issuing their first statement? Did they even talk to the New Orleans Police Department before issuing a statement?
Was the Tesla truck explosion in front of the Trump Hotel another terrorist incident or just another dumbass liberal offering himself up as some kind of human sacrifice? Tell me again about how the conservatives are the violent ones.
I have covered this before, but it is time for a cultural transfusion at the FBI. It's so bad that Biden suggested that he would reappoint J. Edgar Hoover to the job of FBI Director before January 20. Biden claims that he and J. Edgar spoke yesterday after the New Orleans tragedy.
The FBI is our national joke. The only solution is to destroy the current culture at the FBI and start all over again. Fire everyone in leadership positions and burn the FBI headquarters in Washington to the ground. You will have to tear the entire organization of the FBI down to rebuild it. There's nothing there worth saving. Don't waste your breath telling me what a great agency that they used to be. Build a new headquarters somewhere in a small town in middle America and start again.
WAIT!! I was wrong. It's not just the FBI; it is the entire Department of Justice. Rest assured; the word "priorities" is not in the vocabulary at the Department of Justice. They demonstrate this on a daily basis for all of the world to see. Burn the DOJ headquarters as well. Move their headquarters to Nebraska or Kansas.
While Ma Garland has spent the last four years pursuing Donald Trump and anyone associated with him, it is obvious that "Justice" has not been the objective of the Department of Justice. I won't even bother mentioning Hunter Biden. It's time for the DOJ to look at itself in a mirror. Maybe Pogo was right. Maybe he was talking about the DOJ when he said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
How much time and manpower has been spent pursuing the people who demonstrated at the Capitol on January 6? How many millions of man-hours have been used trying to jail those protestors for a host of misdemeanor charges? Now that the FBI has finally admitted that the New Orleans attack is a terrorist action, should they have spent those millions of man-hours investigating real terrorist groups instead of harassing those who have different political views?
Could the terrorist strike in New Orleans been averted if the FBI had spent more time investigating real terrorists and less time looking through Melania Trump's underwear drawer at Mar-a-Lago? If only Jack Smith, Chris Wray and Ma Garland had been more interested in real threats to our safety than harassing Donald Trump. January 20 can't come too soon.
Pogo was right!
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