Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sundry Sunday Sarcasm

If you believe the claims about the Russian casualties in the Ukraine, do a little research about the casualties that the United States claimed that the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese had suffered in the Vietnam war. There was even a Doonesbury cartoon strip that questioned the casualty numbers. In the strip, a US captain is on the radio and is asked for a body count on dead enemy soldiers. He turns to a private and asks, "What day is it?" The private responds, February 15, sir." The captain says on the radio, "Fifteen enemy dead, sir!" This is probably the same technique that the Ukrainians are using in their war with Russia. That cartoon strip was published on February 15, 1972. Some things never change.

I ended up at Cone Urgent Care last Sunday with an ailment. In the exam room, the doctor asked me if I was taking any GLP-1 medications. I told her, "That shit is poison. My doctor had me try Ozempic in 2020. I have Type 2 diabetes, and it was originally a treatment for that. You had to start with a half dose for two or three weeks, then move up to the full dose. The first dose made me sick the day I took it. The next week, I took it and was sick thirty minutes later. I called the doctor's office and talked to his nurse. She told me that she would make a note in my file and that the doctor would discuss discontinuing the medication with me on my next visit. I explained that I didn't need to wait for the doctor to make a decision about my medications, I wasn't going to take it again. On my next visit, we discussed it. I explained to him that at a Zig Ziglar seminar 35 years earlier, I had heard Zig say, "You didn't get fat taking pills, you aren't going to get skinny and stay skinny by taking pills."

At the end of my tirade, the Urgent Care doctor looked at me and said, "So you aren't taking any GLP-1 meds?" I looked at her and said, "You can either write down NO or I can tell you the story again. You pick." She just laughed and wrote.

The new diet drugs are going to make a few people rich for life and a lot of people skinny for a few days. There's a hook in those new diet drugs that is going to drag somebody's ass to a slab in the morgue.

Why do Republicans in Congress think that they can find a Speaker of the House who will do everything that they want? Do you agree with your spouse on everything? If you are a Republican Congressional member, write this down. You aren't going to always get everything that you want in life. Trump needs to meet with that cast of clowns and explain the realities of political life with them. 

If President Trump can compromise on something, why can't some schmuck in the Congress? That question applies to both sides.

Matt Gaetz is still the legally elected Congressman from his district in Florida. He has the legal right to show up on January 3 and be sworn into office. He has to be sworn into an office for his new term in order to resign. Don't waste your time telling me about rules on members after they found a Texas representative in a dementia treatment facility after she missed the last six months of work. Her office never told anyone. They just kept posting "tweets" and sending announcements to their constituents. Thank God she wasn't re-elected. That validates the whole idea about someone other than Scranton Joe doing the work of the President of the United States.

Like "The Squad" in the Democratic Party, the "Freedom Caucus" in the Republican Party is the tail that is trying to wag the dog. While I agree with them on many issues, somewhere early in life, Mom told us that we weren't always going to get everything we wanted and that we needed to get used to it. Life is about compromise. If you don't believe this, get married.

Apparently, the recent death of a homeless woman set afire by an illegal alien, demonstrates that there is not a pair of balls to be found among all of the District Attorneys in the State of New York. 

There are many who believe that God gives women either beauty or brains. He gave New York Governor Kathy Hochul neither. We don't even need to mention New York Attorney General Letitia James, everybody already knows.

Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina will be up for re-election in 2026. That's good news for Trump as Tillis will have to do his impression of a conservative for the next two years. Anything to keep Roy Cooper out of the United States Senate. Thom barely beat Cal Cunningham a few years ago and Cunningham was so stupid that he had an affair with a woman and used the bedroom he shared with his wife to consummate said affair. I guess that there weren't any rooms available at the Motel 6. Cal should have run on a platform of being as frugal with the public's money as he was with his own money.

If I didn't have enough political reasons to despise Thom Tillis, he has grown something that resembles a beard on his face. Sorry, I am just not a fan of facial hair. It's just another reason to hate Thom.

Finally, with Lying Biden headed for the exit, the government is releasing pictures of Scranton Joe meeting with Hunter's business partners in China. What else have they lied about? The Watergate guys were rank amateurs compared to the Biden Gang.


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