Sunday, January 05, 2025

Carville the Clown??

 Just when you think that James Carville can't say anything that is measurably dumber than anything he has said before, the "Rajun Cajun" comes through with another gem.

Appearing on Anderson Cooper's show on CNN, Carville was discussing the two recent terror incidents and the two guys responsible for them. He mentioned that they had both been in the Army and should have known how to handle explosives. From that observation, Carville left the liberal reservation with this thought, “These people have some kind of sexual problem. I think that most of them are incels. I’ll be wrong 20%, I’ll say that, but I’m not going to be wrong much more than that, if you dig into it.”

I actually had to look up the meaning of "incel". It is shorthand for "involuntary celibate". The Anti-Defamation League defines "incels" as “heterosexual men who blame women and society for their lack of romantic success.”

So, liberals think that these guys are trying to cause mass deaths, including their own death, because they can't get laid. WOW!! This is a whole new perspective. Add this to the list of things for the FBI to check when we have the next terror incident. Based on this thought process, I was in high school with hundreds of potential terrorists. I must have slept through all of the mass shootings at high school. I was either asleep for three years or Carville's theory is bullshit, you pick.

I can't believe that Carville is advocating this theory after the New Orleans incident. I don't think that on a New Year's Eve in the French Quarter, in New Orleans, that there are a lot of people practicing celibacy. Call me cynical, but I just don't believe that is a reasonable idea. 

I think the bigger question here is why did they even run Carville's comments on Anderson Cooper's show? I have to ask because there are no actual "inquiring minds" at CNN.

By his own account, Carville's political experiences started when he was attending a Catholic high school in Louisiana. He tore down the political signs of an opponent. More than sixty years later, not much has changed.


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