On Wednesday in the District of Corruption, there was a protest in front of the DNC headquarters. About 150 left-wing fascists were involved. They claimed that it was a "mostly peaceful" protest. Several of the "mostly peaceful" protesters sprayed the police with pepper spray. In the end, one (1) protester was arrested. Call me when that protester appears in Judge Slutkan's court. Of course, that will never happen because they are liberals and the DOJ is still operating that two-tier justice system. Or should that be a two-tier INjustice system?
In my previous screed, I wrote about impeaching Obama because the Democrats have already decided that you can impeach someone after they are no longer President. Why stop there? Let's go back and impeach Bush for the 9/11 debacle. Now that the Me Too movement has hit their stride, let's put Clinton on trial again for those Oval Office blowjobs. Maybe Jack Shit can free up some time to claim that Clinton endangered our national security by getting blown by an intern without a Top Secret security clearance.
Why stop with the living? Will the Democrats impeach George Bush for Desert Storm? Maybe they will impeach Reagan for Iran-Contra? Where will it all end?
Jack Shit has indicted Trump for his handling of secret documents that he had as President. We have heard nothing about Joe Biden's handling of classified materials from his time as a Senator and Vice President . These are documents that he was not even supposed to have. How long can that investigation take? My guess is that they won't finish until after Election Day in 2024.
The liberals are protesting in their support of Hamas. So the leftists are violating our laws to show their support for Hamas, a terrorist group. They are breaking our laws to support a group that violated all of the laws of war. I am not sure that "dumbasses" goes far enough to describe the liberals.
Heard on television last night: For Democrats, Black Lives don't really Matter, but Black Voters do.
If you accept that one picture is worth a thousand words, check out the video of Biden's press conference on Wednesday when a reporter asked him if President XI was a dictator. Watch Secretary of State Antony Blinken as Biden explains that Xi is a dictator. Must have been tough watching that whole summit meeting go down the crapper with Slow Joe's thought.
I am not a big sports fan but on the news last night I saw that the Carolina Panthers are sucking again this year. The good news is that they are in the running for the first draft pick. The moral of the story is that it doesn't really matter how much money your owner has if the players suck.
Why do we celebrate President XI but rip Putin? Aren't they both Communist dictators?
Wait!! I forgot. Xi may be sending us some more pandas.
I can't wait to have Gavin Newsome announce his candidacy for President. He wants to bring $6 gasoline and shit-covered streets to the other 49 states. WOW!! Americans can't wait!!
How do you know that society is headed down the drain? Disney is having a problem with people waiting in the theme park lines who are just defecating or urinating right where they stand in line. Why go to a restroom? It's all better out in public. Just another reason not to go to the parks. Does "Cleanup on Aisle 3" have a new meaning?
College basketball will be starting soon. To avoid destroying brain cells, just take the batteries out.
By now you know that I was not invited to the Fox Patriot Awards show in Nashville. They probably knew that I had a prior commitment at the Moultrie Car Show & Swap Meet.
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