TBS, Two Balls Short??
The latest incident showing that liberalism is a disease surfaced this week. On her show on TBS, Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a "feckless cunt". I had never heard of the now famous Ms. Bee before this. Given her choice of words, I can safely assume that she is no relation to Aunt Bea on the old Andy Griffith Show. Ms. Bee was following in the tracks of other liberals who had been criticizing Ivanka Trump for her apparent misdeeds.
What heinous acts did the alleged "feckless cunt", Ivanka Trump commit? Get a good grip on your chair before I share this with you. I don't want to be responsible for shocking you and causing you to fall from your seat. Are you ready? Ivanka Trump posted a picture of herself holding what appears to be her youngest child. What kind of degenerate or desperado posts a picture of themselves with their child??
According to liberals, this photo somehow has something to do with immigrant children being separated from their illegal immigrant parents upon unlawfully entering this country. I must confess that I have no understanding of how these two things could be related. If she had posted a picture of her family at the dinner table, would this be related to people starving somewhere in the world? Millions of people post pictures of their children EVERYDAY and yet somehow the left is sure that this is some coded message from Ivanka Trump. Is there an actual thought process by her critics involved here??
Are the liberal loons certain that this was Ivanka's purpose in posting that picture? Of course not, they have no way of knowing. Maybe this picture is somehow related to Ireland's legalizing abortions?? Maybe it is related to Muslim extremists in the Middle East using their children as suicide bombers?? Maybe it is connected with the use of child labor to produce cheap clothing and tennis shoes in China and Third World countries?? Here's my guess on it. I believe that it was the act of a proud mother. Is Samantha Bee going to attack everyone who posts a picture of their child online??
Coming on the heels of Roseanne Barr's cancelation for "tweeting" a "racist" remark, one would expect that TBS would have taken swift action against Ms. Bee. They have not. Apparently liberals are free to call the President's daughter anything they want, while tweeting a "racist" remark about a liberal former President's most liberal advisor will get you sacked. Interesting standard.
The leftist feminists in Hollywood have all spoken out supporting Ms. Bee. I read Sally Field's remarks. Apparently, Ms. Fields playing a nun early in her career was the best acting in her life. She certainly displays that she has no traits in common with a nun. All those feminists who want to "empower" women are okay with a woman labeling Ivanka Trump as a "feckless cunt". Really?? What if a man had said that?? Even worse, what if a conservative man had said that? Obviously, in the liberal world, it's not the action that gets you in trouble, it is the target of your action. Attacking conservatives is "good", attacking liberals is "bad". Maybe Roseanne should have just called Valerie Jarrett a "cunt"??
Should TBS have taken action against Samantha Bee? Of course they should have done something. I spent my life in the restaurant business. If a customer showed an employee a picture of their child and the employee responded by calling them a "cunt", that employee becomes jobless. There was a guy at Bojangles who used to speak of "promoting poor employees to customers". TBS should promote Samantha Bee to "viewer".
Will TBS do anything? Why won't the board at TBS take action? Because TBS means that they are "Two Balls Short" of the level of courage needed to take action in the liberal world that they inhabit.
By the way, there is no apology from me forthcoming to TBS or Ms. Bee.
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